Still made from the original 'bobbinet' machinery. A fine 'spiders web' guipure lace in a deep dusty pink and rich mint green, lined or unlined, would make a stunning dress, bodice or skirt. Available in a variety of colours.
$ 74.92
$ 57.63
$ 99.00
$ 53.40
$ 89.00
$ 50.75
$ 65.98
$ 17.99
$ 68.31
$ 88.80
$ 10.50
$ 14.99
$ 43.13
$ 56.07
$ 68.59
$ 89.17
$ 46.00
Still made from the original 'bobbinet' machinery. A fine 'spiders web' guipure lace in a deep dusty pink and rich mint green, lined or unlined, would make a stunning dress, bodice or skirt. Available in a variety of colours.