Still made from the original 'bobbinet' machinery a patchwork design floral guipure lace in gold, beige and cream. Lined or unlined this 68cm wide lace fabric would make a stunning floor length dress, top or skirt.
$ 83.63
$ 64.33
$ 37.99
$ 72.99
$ 49.66
$ 64.56
$ 20.00
$ 39.00
$ 25.00
$ 49.99
$ 66.80
$ 86.84
$ 57.96
$ 75.35
$ 15.99
$ 29.99
$ 47.00
$ 30.50
$ 38.00
Still made from the original 'bobbinet' machinery a patchwork design floral guipure lace in gold, beige and cream. Lined or unlined this 68cm wide lace fabric would make a stunning floor length dress, top or skirt.